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Who can I see?

I see individuals (not couples) who are adults (over 18).


How do I know if you are the right therapist for me?

You are right, choosing the right therapist for you is one of the most important things in therapy, as you will be sharing very personal issues, thoughts and secrets and you need a therapist you trust and feel comfortable working with. I would say that in the first few sessions you will be able to make your mind up about whether you can trust your therapist.


Image by Matt Walsh

What will happen in a session?

After initially establishing our working agreement and the reasons for seeking counselling and your expectations, we will  spend our sessions exploring the reasons of why you are feeling a certain way and what you want to change. We will certainly have to talk about your earlier life experiences, including childhood, and linking them to your current difficulties. This is very important as, as adults, we are shaped by the way we grew up. This process can sometimes be painful and trigger painful memories but the goal is to understand and process them so they don't have such a big impact on your day to day life.


How long is a session?

Each session will be 50 minutes and will take place at the same time and day each week as agreed by us.


What are the fees?

The fee is from £70-80 for each session and will be paid by bank transfer on the day of the appointment.


How often do I have to do counselling?

Counselling will happen on a weekly basis.

Where will we meet?

You have the choice to attend a face-to-face session, or a Zoom session if it is more convenient for you.


For face to face work, I am able to see you in at the Clapham North Therapy Rooms, 2 Lion Yard, Tremadoc Road, SW4 7NQ. The clinic has 5 therapy rooms used by other counsellors as well. Closest tube is Clapham North on the Northern Line.  

How do the rooms look like?


Is it confidential?

All personal information that you disclose in the session is confidential however there are two exceptions, first as a member of BACP I am required to have supervision with a colleague where I may discuss clients, however I do not disclose full names so you cannot be identified, secondly if you were to tell me something that made me think that you are at serious risk of harming yourself or somebody else then I might need to break confidentiality but would only do this after discussion with you.


What if I can't make or miss a session?

If you need to cancel your session I ask for 24 hours notice otherwise I will charge you the full amount for the missed session. 


How long will I have to come for?

It really depends on each individual and what the presenting issues are. The length will vary whether  you come to therapy for a specific issue, or if you want to dig a little deeper. ​


How will you protect my personal information?

In regulation with the GDPR and ICO, I will keep some brief notes of each of our sessions in a locked filing cabinet.


What if I want to stop my sessions?

If you don't want to come anymore, it is better not to terminate the sessions abruptly but to discuss an appropriate number of ‘winding up’ sessions, to manage an ending effectively.

If you have other questions that I have not answered, why don't you drop me a line by clicking here?

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. 


If you would like to discuss how therapy could help you, feel free to contact me for a free 15 minute chat on or 07989 575 876 or fill out the Contact form


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